Becoming a “Friend” of the local Society ($25 individual, $30 family, $10 full-time student, $100 patron) helps the Cleveland Archaeological Society add additional speakers, make videos of the lectures for the use of the local schools and libraries, defray costs of our monthly newsletter, etc. While our meetings are always free and open to the public, and membership is not necessary to come to the meetings, we welcome and need your support. All amounts are tax deductible. Becoming a member of AIA or a Friend of the Society will keep you on our mailing list for reminders of the upcoming lectures as well as notices of any other programs of archaeological interest of which we are aware. AIA provides each local society with three speakers each year at no expense, publishes Archaeology magazine,The American Journal of Archaeology and other scholarly publications, organizes and supports archaeological research, etc. Basic membership in the AIA including a subscription to Archaeology magazine is $70 ($40 for student, K-12 educators and military personnel). We urge everyone interested in archaeology to become members of AIA.
Donations in support of our Internship Program or to the Society may also be made via PayPal